Professor Fired After Expressing Climate Change Skepticism

"After Drapela was fired, Dr. Gordon Fulks, another anthropogenic global warming critic, began circulating a letter in defense of Drapela. To Fulks, it seemed obvious that Drapela’s global warming skepticism was the reason behind his firing."

Click here for article

Yes, the radical environmental left is militant in its enforcement of their views. Dissension will not be tolerated. They must silence all opposing views in order to create the illusion that what they are saying has any merit whatsoever.

None, I repeat, NONE of their positions hold up under scrutiny. Environmental, societal, cultural, political, economic, military, national security, foreign relations, etc. They are categorically 100% wrong in all cases, on all counts. Pick any subject under any of the aforementioned subjects and any right leaning conservative can dismantle their position with little trouble. Liberalism is a mental disorder.

The only defense of the left is to lie and deny and then attack the character of anyone who questions or challenges them. That's it and that's all.
