Forests Across The World Dying Off As Climate Warms

More environmental scare tactics. The earth is in a constant state of flux, hotter, colder, causing all sorts of environmental effects that the climate scare crowd will try and use to get us out of our big houses, our gas guzzling cars and back into the stone age.

Forests will burn and then regenerate, glaciers will melt and then reform, infestations will occur and then subside, the earth will warm over a period of time and then cool over a period of time. All of these events are out of our control, yet the ecco-terrorists refuse to accept this fact.

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Since the radical, anti-capitalist, communist loving elements of society have taken over the environmental movement they no longer have credibility. I will never believe what they say because I know they have hijacked the environmental movement to use as the head of their spear to take down capitalism. This is a fact and until it changes, until we actually get facts and not politically motivated propaganda, I believe nothing they say.
