Google Details, and Defends, Its Use of Electricity

Google, another example of the hypocrisy from the left. There is nothing to defend. Liberals are constantly violating their own rules with regard to the environment. Al Gore, U2, Google, and many others carve out huge carbon footprints while harping at us lesser Americans about the need to go back to the dark ages.

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SUV's are out - yet the garages of the liberal elites are full of them. McMansions are shameful, yet look at the lavish estates those like Al Gore, John Kerry and other libs call home while scolding us about the evils of America, the energy wasting empire that is destroying the world with our every breath.

Soon, without intervention from Congress, we won't even be able to buy the light bulbs we want. Instead we will be forced to buy the ridiculously hazardous, mercury filled nightmares at 4 times the cost.

As I have written about in the past, the Republicans and Conservatives need to follow the Alinsky tactic of catching your opponent breaking their own rules and crucify them for it. It works. It destroys all credibility. Liberals have been using this tactic with great success. Come on Republicans, get more aggressive and go after these hypocrites. Expose them for the phony liars they are.
